Asking for Help

Asking for Help

Many of us find ourselves overwhelmed by circumstances in life and yet taking the step to reach out for help will be seen by many as a last resort. Whether it’s getting help from family, friends or professionals – why is it that asking for help is such a daunting task? In this article we…



While listening to a recent podcast by Sinead Hegarty on the Sinead Says Podcast – Episode 67: Dealing with a Narcissist (see below), it got me thinking about the amount of people who a) either find themselves in narcissistic relationships or b) become a narcissist themselves, without even realising what that means, for them, or…


Guilt can be a useful and effective gauge for our actions. When we behave in a way that is outside of our value system or we have inflicted harm in some way to someone else, guilt is one of the most telling signs. If we use that feeling to reflect, make amends and adjust our…


Stress is a part of life. Each of us has a certain amount of stress such as work deadline pressure, exam stress, money worries, health worries or maybe we feel a consistent general stress because we have become so used to feeling stressed! Stress affects us all in different ways. It can cause illness, headaches,…