
Stress is a part of life. Each of us has a certain amount of stress such as work deadline pressure, exam stress, money worries, health worries or maybe we feel a consistent general stress because we have become so used to feeling stressed! Stress affects us all in different ways. It can cause illness, headaches,…

Safe-Care at Christmas

Self-Care at Christmas

Self-Care at Christmas – sometimes Christmas can be a hard time for people. Some psychotherapists and counselling centres close over the Christmas period, and this can be problematic for clients who are anxious or depressed, or those who just feel that Christmas is a time they would rather not take part in, and now also…



Trust is of course a very important factor in peoples’ relationships. If we do not trust a person, then there is no relationship. Without trust, no relationship can last, as people have to be comfortable with each other for a relationship to have stability, clarity, mutual empathy and responsiveness. So, we see that trust is…