A Loved One’s Addiction

Addiction takes a massive toll, not only on the person struggling with it but on their friends, family and community. Often this wider toll is not spoken of and can even carry a sense of shame. In this article we will explore how A Loved One’s Addiction can feel and ways for the support network…

Surviving Separation

Surviving Separation

The ending of any relationship can be difficult, even if it ends amicably there is a process of healing and often grieving necessary. In this article we will look at ways to help make this transition a bit easier and surviving separation.   Why is a breakup of a relationship so challenging? Well for many…

Asking for Help

Asking for Help

Many of us find ourselves overwhelmed by circumstances in life and yet taking the step to reach out for help will be seen by many as a last resort. Whether it’s getting help from family, friends or professionals – why is it that asking for help is such a daunting task? In this article we…


Guilt can be a useful and effective gauge for our actions. When we behave in a way that is outside of our value system or we have inflicted harm in some way to someone else, guilt is one of the most telling signs. If we use that feeling to reflect, make amends and adjust our…

Fighting with Family

Fighting with Family

Family is often thought of as the ultimate support system for a person – to be there for you, no matter what. But what if that is simply not the case for you? What if a member of your family or even your whole family, is a constant source of feuding and frustration for you?…

Expectations vs Reality

Expectations vs Reality

We all have expectations. They can be useful in preparing us for events, shaping our mindset and even help us create boundaries, but they stop being useful when they become unrealistic, overly negative or obsessive. This can be a huge source of pain and frustration if we are not able to accept the reality of…

The Inner Critic

The Inner Critic

Maybe you made a mistake at work, said the wrong thing to a friend or forgot to send off that email – that inner critic starts up, ‘I’m such an idiot!!’. You carry on with the day but with the very next minor slip up, that inner critic pipes up again, ‘What’s wrong with me,…

Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory Grief

Grief and bereavement will impact all of us in different ways. Some have had the painful experience of having to grieve many loved ones in their lives, others it is something they know will come and they dread the day it does. In this article we will be exploring Anticipatory Grief and how it impacts…