Emotional Eating

Many people may find themselves emotionally eating during this pandemic, more so than normal. I am hoping that this post might help you understand why we emotionally eat and provide tips to help you avoid eating through your emotions.   Eating prompts the brain the release some happy hormones called endorphins. So, because you are…

Coping with Covid-19

With coronavirus (COVID-19) dominating all the news headlines and our social media feeds, it is hard not to get caught up in all the hype, hysteria, worry and concern. At times like this it is vital to remember that taking care of your mental health is as important as looking after your physical health. Good…

Overcoming Fear

Things are going along quite nicely. Your day seems to be getting a nice sense of flow, and the best way to describe life is that it is ‘in a state of calm’. But then, out of nowhere, the rug is pulled from under your feet. Something you didn’t see coming appears on the horizon…

Self Compassion

We made it…through my first ever blog and also the January Blues!! Now we fall head over heels into February…the month of LOVE! Ever heard the saying; “charity begins at home”, well I thought to myself what better way to tackle this month but by choosing to LOVE OURSELVES. After all, how can we expect…

Recover, Develop, then GROW

A close family friend recently retired, and lately he told me how he is struggling to deal with it (I got his approval to mention it here in this blog!). I’ve highlighted some brilliant things that are available to him in the community like Mens Sheds, community breakfasts, Gardening Clubs etc. He answered, “That stuff…