Attachment Styles in Relationships

Attachment Styles in Relationships

Attachment Styles in Relationships   Perhaps you have never really examined how you behave in relationships. However, you may have become aware of repeating patters or cycles in your love life, even with different partners.   Perhaps you are inclined to be more involved than your partner or maybe you gravitate towards a tendency to…

Coercive Control

Coercive Control

Domestic violence is considerably more complicated than it may seem when we bring our awareness to the fact that not all abuse is physical.   In relationships where a partner mistreats the other emotionally or psychologically but never engages in physical abuse, the abuse can be more challenging to notice, and could easily leave a…



One thing I have repeatedly noticed over this past year is just how many people are not fully or sometimes at all aware of the concept of healthy boundaries. Some believe they already have healthy boundaries by having super rigid brick walls in place, or they hold the belief that establishing boundaries would be a…